Repair of Resistance to Osmotic Swelling of 2-Cell Vitrified Mouse Embryos by Short-Term Culture 短期培养对玻璃化冷冻小鼠2-细胞胚胎低渗抵抗力的修复作用
The influence factors of anchor limit resistance was analyzed based on the lots of valuable test data which was concluded by a lot of tensile test. ( 3) A set of device was designed which was used to control the swelling volume of inflatable anchor. 设计制作了整套充气锚杆室内及现场抗拔试验装置,对充气锚杆进行了大量的抗拉试验,得到了许多宝贵的实验数据,并分析了影响充气锚杆极限抗拔力的影响因素。